Google Search in a ChatGPT World — Are Both Needed?

I'm not one for crystal ball predictions, but I've been pondering this question recently since much of my business is dedicated to helping clients grow their website’s organic search traffic.

While I can't predict the future with certainty, I believe that Chat GPT won't (soon) replace the need for a search engine powerhouse like Google (which still holds the position as the #1 search engine in the world as of March 2024).


Why? Google provides a pivotal intersection between prospective customers and businesses, facilitating a critical connection that drives commerce.

Supporting points:

  • Google Maps. Not only is it a navigation tool, but it's a gateway to discovering local businesses (customer reviews/photos). The recent implementation of Google Guaranteed makes it even more straightforward for users to find trustworthy service providers.

  • Exploration. When you’re looking to understand a topic and want to skim the Wiki article, view a few images, and read some headlines, you’ll Google it. There’s no faster way to get this variety of content.

  • Insights. I don’t believe AI will replace human insight (plus, ChatGPT’s POVs are not that interesting, nor are they “lived” ones). Google has crawled billions upon billions of blog posts/documents/articles, with uniquely human perspectives. Not only that, but their information is up-to-date minute to minute (unlike Chat GPT).

  • Shopping. Google Shopping offers a seamless shopping experience complemented by features like Google Image reverse search, streamlining product discovery and purchase decisions.

  • YouTube. Google owns YouTube, which solidifies its dominance in the realm of video content, a cornerstone of modern marketing strategies.


Examples of How I Think Chat GPT and Google Will Be Used

Chat GPT offers a response to a question or query. It’s great for research and brainstorming. I believe Chat GPT will help do some of the research that maybe Google used to provide in the early Awareness phases of a marketing plan.


Google provides the searcher with a buffet of exploration options — Suggested Additional Search Queries // Ads // Things to Know // Review Websites (like Capterra) — and these are just examples for this particular search.


Google’s Not Going Anywhere

While ChatGPT serves as an invaluable tool, augmenting productivity and efficiency, Google remains a powerhouse for exploration, trend analysis, and informed decision-making.

These platforms each serve distinct purposes, with some overlap and unique offerings.

So, what does this mean for you?

Your company website still matters, and to stay ahead, you must continually innovate and differentiate yourself from the competition.


What Businesses Need to Do Today To Remain Relevant Tomorrow

This means you still need to focus on making your products and services stand out. How?

Refine your value proposition, make your service offerings crystal clear, and create unique content that sets you apart from the competition.

Here's why:

  1. Refine Your Value Proposition: Your website is often the first point of contact for potential customers. It's where they learn about your brand, products, and services. It’s your corner of the internet that you get to customize for your audience — and the best part is that no one can take it away from you! By investing in your website, you can refine your value proposition and communicate what sets your business apart.

  2. Clarify Service Offerings: Make it idiot-proof for visitors to understand what you offer and how it benefits them. Doing this will more easily facilitate a “hell yes” from prospects. This clarity not only enhances user experience but also builds trust and credibility, driving conversions and customer loyalty.

  3. Consistently Create Unique Content: Invest in developing high-quality content that offers valuable insights, solves problems, and/or addresses the needs and interests of your target audience (and do so consistently). This not only helps to establish your authority and expertise in your industry, but also attracts and retains customers who value your unique perspective.

To thrive tomorrow, you have to act today. Ready to take your business to the next level? Let's talk and strategize how to elevate your brand in the ever-evolving digital landscape!


Supporting Links:

  • I do want to see the volume of searches conducted month over month. That would be interesting data to view as opposed to Google’s search dominance compared to other search engines. I want to know if people searching less.


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